Shadow work. Delving into the darker aspects of your experiences, traumas and emotions. While this work is necessary for growth, evolution and expansion; the companions on the journey are often pain and discomfort.

Today I use this space of mine to walk you through the most recent of my layers that needed unfolding. The most recent of my shadows that has emerged, ready to be dealt with. Perhaps through my catharsis, you will find yours. It may give you that final bit of encouragement you need to dive deep into the experiences in your life that make you who you are.

I do not seek out the shadows. Instead I allow them to unfold and present themselves as they would naturally. I find seeking causes extra pain and suffering as I am often not truly ready for what I seek.

Shadows present themselves in seemly everyday scenarios and situations that would be quite easy to pass off as a “bad day” or an “unlucky event”. The breakthroughs occur when we realize that there are no chance happenings and that bad days, unlucky events and challenging situations came to us for a purpose. To work through them. To observe them for what they are and no longer allow them to control our behaviours, thoughts and actions.

Once we see them for what they are, often times programmed behaviours, we can then make a choice. Do I believe this paradigm? Do I want this particular stream of thought? Do I agree with these patterns I continue to perpetuate?

Then YOU can choose. You can take your power back. This is when healing, evolution and growth occurs.

The Message of Pine

For those who have not worked with plant essences before, I will endeavour to give you a quick description. A crash course as it were. Flower essences are the energetic essences and the spirit of the plant. While the crude plant material imparts medicinal healing and benefits, the energetic properties provide emotional and spiritual support. These support mechanisms can be instrumental on your path towards evolution and growth.

While some flower essences provide support for a short time or during particular events in our lives, others are what we call core essences. They are at the very centre of our being, the core of our heart and soul. They represent our deepest layers and the true aspects of ourselves that we are here to learn from.

For me Pine is a core flower essence.

This past week I was presented with a situation that triggered this very core aspect of myself. The Pine personality is deeply self critical and a perfectionist through and through. While striving for excellence is not a negative quality, when taken to a self destructive extreme it can manifest as one. Pines are willing to accept the blame for others mistakes and short comings, taking on the burden of all unfortunate circumstances and short comings.

The Pine person can never do a good enough job. No matter how hard they work, how high they reach and all that they accomplish, there is always a sense of lack. That something is not quite up to par.

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I immediately took some Pine flower essence and sat with my feelings. An older version of myself, from days past, would have done any number of things to numb the pain. We all have our vices.

In this moment I decided instead to observe the pain, criticism and disappointment. To see it for what it was. Old programming that surfaced in a current now moment. I am so grateful to a wonderful teacher I have connected with recently for teaching me the value in this work; to view things from the position of the observer. I then had a choice. I could choose the beliefs, programs and beliefs. Or I could choose to no longer believe them and to listen to my heart.

The combination of Pine flower essence and these teachings helped me to understand where my thoughts, behaviours and beliefs came from.

Now please don’t take the simplicities of my writings as an indication that this work was done by simply taking one dose of the flower essence. The best work; the path worth walking is always the long road. There are hills, brambles, twists and turns. Dark forests with monsters, beautiful glades with wildflowers; the path of life is limitless!  I know these thoughts are deeply imbedded in my core personality and it would be naïve to assume I will not be tested again by yet another reemergence. It is for this reason that I am in deep gratitude and awe of Pine in this moment. For guiding me through; holding my hand as I experienced them in a way.

In turn I share Pine’s story with you.




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