Let me tell you a story…

Over the last two evenings I have begun the process of planting many of our seeds for the vegetable garden. Following the cycles of the moon, this is the perfect time to start your plants that will bear crops above ground, such as peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, kale and kohlrabi. If you have not see my video on moon phase gardening you can check it out here.

While this process should have brought me joy, I was admittedly frustrated. My son has been missing his father deeply and wanted to play with him. He did not want to participate in planting the seeds and so they worked together on their own project. The time change was also messing with my system so I started the project with a sour disposition. I began to resent the fact that all I wanted to do was sit and read my book and instead I was planting my seeds. Alone. The seeds that would feel my whole family, yet I was solo.

One of my triggers is that I often feel alone in our homesteading journey. As the one who does most of the planting, harvesting, preserving and planning, you can understand why my ego walks its way there. While this is not the truth of it, sometimes we need to sit with these feelings a while longer to understand they are simply a reflection of our own work we need to do. Yes that’s right… victimhood serves no one, it only serves to bypass the work you need to do.

But I digress…

Fast forward to 2:30 a.m. when my son wakes up with growing pains. He is soothed quickly and falls back asleep, but I lay wide awake, riddled with guilt that I could not place. Like the logical mind often does, it begins to spin out with thoughts to help bypass the emotions you are in and I started to go over in my head the rest of the seeds that needed starting.

It was in that moment that it dawned on me. The guilt I felt was due to the resentment I showed the food growing process. The food that nourishes my body. The food that sustains my family. The food that provides an ecosystem to the many birds, insects, microbes and animals in our area. This life giving force that I showed distain and resentment towards.

I sat in bed staring at the ceiling and the picture of the cosmos swirled through my mind. I am not just a human. I am a strand on the great web of the universe. I am the seed. I am the soil. I am the water and the air. If I am vibrating in emotions of resentment and frustration while I am planting the literal seed of life, what does that say for the food I will then nourish my body with?

I began to think of an experiment that was done where children examined the different growing patterns and results of a plant that was bullied on a regular basis (i.e. low vibrational energy was sent its way) and one that was showered with love (i.e. high vibrational love was sent its way). All of the other circumstances were kept consistent – light, watering, fertilizer etc.

The results were astounding. The plant that was regularly sent low vibrational energy in the form of bullying withered, while the one that was showered with high vibrational energy flourished.

As the minutes ticked by I started to realize the magnitude of this realization.
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I am the seed. I am the plant. If all things in the cosmos are all interconnected and dependent on each other, how I approached my seed planting was, in essence, a direct energetic assault on myself. Is this the kind of energy I want in my food? My garden? My life?

A beautiful realization of fostering abundance in our homesteading work was quickly replaced by the guilt. The lesson I was to learn was loud and clear and I in turn share it with you today.

Plants are energy. Just as you and I are energy. They can feel, sense and radiate that energy outwards, just as you and I are affected by the negative mood, thoughts and patterns of another human. How we feel and act towards our food and plant allies will directly affect their growth and ability to thrive.

Shower your seeds with love, gratitude and admiration. For within their tiny shell is the magic to spark life! Look at the process with awe and amazement as you foster a beautiful circle of existence within your own vegetable, herb or flower gardens. I truly believe this is how we create abundant and flourishing results.

So this morning I spent some time giving reiki to my seed trays. Thanking them for the food they will provide us. Picturing myself, remembering and knowing that I am the seed and that the potential of life rests within us all.


Many green blessings to you all,


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