Happy New Year folks! I hope you all had a great holiday season and a fun new years eve. If you’re like me you spent it doing exactly what you love; watching Star Wars (Empire Strikes Back) with my hubby and crocheting! While I’m not big into resolutions (they always seem like a set up for failure), I do like to have a list of goals for the coming year. I’m a goal and project oriented person so this helps keep me focused. I’m also a big dreamer so some of the things on my list might be a BIT out of reach but that’s perfectly fine by me. Dream big or go home!
DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support myself and my herbal clinic, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any product or services from this blog. I truly appreciate all the support you have shown my blog and my business and I will only ever recommend products that I use myself, truly love or covet. Many thanks.
- Design, plant and maintain my herbal medicine garden
- Based on an assignment from my school days, I have 50 herbs that I would like to have fully in stock for my clinic (in tincture form)
- Write my final exam
- Look into local farmers markets for selling my products
- Create and run herbal workshops on our homestead this summer (watch for them posted here)
- Start myself and my husband on a herbal treatment and run through the protocol I was taught in school
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- Start a homesteading binder and thanks to Reformation Acres, I can do that with ease!
- Get baby chicks and start raising our own free run eggs
- Design, plant and maintain our 1200 square foot vegetable garden plot
- Purchase and learn how to can using a Pressure Canner
(affiliate link) - Build a mini rocket mass stove in the backyard for canning
And the dreamer in me also wants:
- Hoop greenhouse built in time for fall next year
- Solar dehydrator constructed
- Go hiking more often – ideally twice a week
- Share family meals together – one a day minimum and at least two on weekends
- No phones, tablets or music players during meals (music player might be a tough one for Monkey Man to get rid of!)
- Thanks to Nourishing Traditions
(affiliate link) and Shaye over at Elliot Homestead, my family has been inspired to do the following in 2016:
- Incorporate ethical and healthy meat back into our diet
- Here is an awesome local CSA farm that we are thinking of joining – Stubborn Farmer
- Eliminate soy products all together (except Miso)
- Add more lacto-fermented foods into our diet
- Source out and use grass fed butter
- Make my own bone broths for soups and chili
- Drastically reduce sugar consumption and change sugar sources – namely maple syrup, local honey, coconut sugar and rapadura
- Journalling at night before bed – maybe not every night, but as often as I can
- Reading books that aren’t kids books! Here’s my list:
The Mini Farming Bible: The Complete Guide to Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre
Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System
- Take some time to do yoga daily – even just 10-15 minutes
- Use my SAD lamp for light therapy 3x a week minimum
- Meditation and working with my spirit guides
Well that’s my massive and exciting list for 2016! What are your goals for the coming year?