With superfoods all the rage and many folks opting for exotic imports, I want to draw your attention to a local nutritional powerhouse. With such an abundant array of our own native superfoods, there is no need to add to intense demand and bring in your acai and gogi berries from lands afar.

Often called chokeberries due to their tangy and tart flavour, aronia berries are native to Eastern North America and parts of Europe as well. Describing their flavour can be a bit challenging, but imagine the texture of a cherry with the sweetness of red grapes and the tartness of raspberries. Loaded with antioxidants and nutrients, let us dive into the nutrition of these amazing superfood.


Nutritional Benefits

Aronia berries are incredibly rich in antioxidant properties due to their incredibly high levels of polyphenols (anthocyanins and proanthocyanins specifically) and vitamin C. These nutrients are spectacular for aiding your body in defending against oxidative stress and supporting both cardiovascular health and digestive well being. Let’s touch again on that antioxidant property because I want to mention that these tart little berries boast higher levels than blueberries and the incredibly trendy acai berry.

As a clinical herbalist, I have yet to meet a single person who does not have compromised digestion in some way. This is not said to shame, but to draw attention to the detriments of our busy, stressful and less than healthy lifestyles. Pile on top of that exposure to toxins through our products, food, air and water supplies, we can see why we could all use a little bit of digestive support. Aronia berries are loaded with fibre, which the body needs for a healthy bowel movements, managing cholesterol and improving overall bowel health. You see, fibre is not digested by the body. Instead it passes through the body, pulling water along with it. This bulks up our stool allowing for healthier and more frequent bowel movements.

I want to draw your attention to a fascinating study done by the University of Maryland’s Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences. Aronia berries, combined with two other berries, were found to inhibit cancerous cells! Now that is something we should all be paying attention to.

Recent research has also highlighted the anti-viral properties of aronia berries, making it a good ally when we are dealing with viral load. Always consult your local health care practitioner and/or do your own research before using food/herbs as medicine.

Have you ever dealt with a urinary tract infection and turned to the trusty ole cranberry juice to try to quell your discomfort? Loaded with quinic acid, aronia berries may be a better option for you as they boast high levels of this compound which is useful in treating UTIs.

In addition to superb anti-oxidant properties, aronia berries are a well known anti-inflammatory as well. Since we are well aware that the root of most chronic health conditions are based in inflammation; anything that claims high levels of anti-inflammatory action should be on our radar. Conditions such as, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, allergies, IBS and many more have their basis in inflammation.

Specific Nutritional Data (source)

This data is for a 100 gram serving of aronia berries.

  • Calories 47
  • Total Fat 0.5g
  • Total Carbohydrate 9.6 g
  • Dietary Fiber 5.3 g
  • Sugars 4.3 g
  • Vitamin A 350 IU
  • Vitamin C 21 mg
  • Vitamin E 1.6 mg
  • Vitamin K 13.6 mcg

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  • Folate 24.0 mcg
  • Manganese 0.6mg
  • Zinc 0.8 mg
  • Calcium 30.0mg
  • Iron 1.4 mg
  • Potassium 105 mg
  • Sodium 1.0 mg8



Growing Aronia Berries

Now you can buy aronia berry extracts and juices from the store and if growing isn’t an option for you, this is the avenue you will want to explore. But if you have even just a little bit of land, may I humbly suggest that you consider growing some aronia berries.

First they are very simple to grow which is a must for many people. They can handle most soil conditions and are hardy from zone 3 to 8. While she will grow in anything from a bog to sandy soil, be mindful that nutrition comes from the dirt in which food grows in. So if your soil seems low in nutrients, a good quality compost will improve the benefits of your crop. Ensure your aronia berries get as much sun as possible for the highest berry yield.

Another lovely factor in growing aronia berries is that they are rather beautiful, adding colour to your property year round. In the spring you will be delighted with pretty white flowers, followed by deep purple berries and finally finishing off with gorgeous red-orange leaves in the fall.

Unlike elderberries, aronia is more compact and easier to grow in small spaces. During it’s dormant season you will want to prune some of the older branches to encourage new growth and a bushier shrub. There are multiple varieties of aronia berries, each growing to their own maximum height, so do a bit of research on which is best for you and your property.

Most berry plants are self pollinating, but to ensure a larger crop it is best to plant at least two aronia berry plants.


How to Use Your Aronia Berries

Aronia berries are often used in jams, preserves and pies. A favourite of many bakers, aronia berries can be mixed with other berries (such as blueberries) to reduce their tartness.

This year we decided to lacto-ferment our aronia berries for winter smoothie making. With the added benefit of fermentation we will turn this super food into a super duper food. Check out my video below to learn how to lacto-ferment berries. Alternatively you can read the blog post about it here.



In good health,



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