
Navigating The Waters of Perfectionism

Navigating The Waters of Perfectionism

There is nothing like the abundance and dare I say, gluttony, of the holiday season to force you to bump up against your current beliefs systems.  Temptations abound and the stories that hold me back rear their ugly heads. One of the deepest challenges I have to... read more

Self Sufficiency

Kohlrabi Apple Slaw

Kohlrabi Apple Slaw

Growing up in a German household I was no stranger to kohlrabi. In most cases it was cooked with butter and as a kid I was not a huge fan (but to be fair I wasn’t a big fan of vegetables in general). As I started to grow my own food I fell in love with kohlrabi... read more

Holistic Health

Navigating The Waters of Perfectionism

Navigating The Waters of Perfectionism

There is nothing like the abundance and dare I say, gluttony, of the holiday season to force you to bump up against your current beliefs systems.  Temptations abound and the stories that hold me back rear their ugly heads. One of the deepest challenges I have to... read more

Recent Posts

Kohlrabi Apple Slaw

Growing up in a German household I was no stranger to kohlrabi. In most cases it was cooked with butter and as a kid I was not a huge fan (but to be fair I wasn’t a big fan of vegetables in general). As I started to grow my own food I fell in love with kohlrabi... read more

From Clutter to Organizational Bliss

Our house is far from perfect and while we do our best to make it work, sometimes you need a big project and overhaul to really help bring out the sparkle and shine. Some the challenges we have in our home of 1100 square feet is a serious lack of storage. Whoever... read more

Navigating The Waters of Perfectionism

There is nothing like the abundance and dare I say, gluttony, of the holiday season to force you to bump up against your current beliefs systems.  Temptations abound and the stories that hold me back rear their ugly heads. One of the deepest challenges I have to... read more

The Wet Sock Treatment for Fevers

It can be an overwhelming and worrisome situation when your child is sick. It’s definitely not an easy job, especially when we are trying to manage fever. Many of us were raised with the belief that fever is something that should be suppressed and often reach... read more

Things to Consider on Your Holistic Healing Journey

If you are about to embark on a new healing journey, embracing the world of herbs and natural treatment modalities, I am so excited for you. I remember those first days and the eager anticipation of a different experience than I had previously. If you, like me at the... read more

The Role of Critical Thinking In An Ever Changing World

As I lay in bed last night and again this morning, an interesting notion swirled around my head. Interesting, but also worrisome if you start to examine the fibres of the tapestry this thought weaves. My ponderings can be summed up into one simple, but dare I say,... read more

Using Herbs to Support Fever

Recently I shared a video on YouTube about using herbs to help support fever. Because this blog post is meant to be a supportive accompaniment, I would strongly suggest checking out the video below so you have some context for the list I am about to share. Please note... read more

Never Can Salsa Again! ~ Fermented Tomato Salsa

I seriously may never can salsa again! For those who have been following me for a while, you know that fermentation is one of my favourite ways to preserve food.  As a clinical herbalist I can tell you that most humans suffer from compromised gut health and that it... read more

Blueberry Lavender Shrub ~ A Drinking Vinegar Recipe

I absolutely love drinking vinegars! They are a fun and healthy way of exploring fruit and herbal combinations, while preserving some seasonal crops at the same time. We recently had a lovely trip to The Blueberry Place in Midland, Ontario. A certified organic... read more

How to Make a Liquid Clearing Spray

I know, the concept of a smokeless smoke cleanse seems rather counterintuitive, but hear me out. There are times, places, and spaces where lighting up your favourite herbs to do a smoke cleanse is not wanted or appropriate. What if you just had a particularly... read more

Garlic Scape Fridge Pickles – Two Ways

Once again we have been blessed with a bumper crop of garlic scapes! Each year I explore new ways to utilize this bonus crop and today I am going to present you with two refrigerator pickled scape recipes that are sure to delight. Like fermenting, fridge pickles... read more

Garlic Scape Pesto Recipe

Tis the season for boat loads of garlic scapes. I absolutely love this amazing little bonus crop you get when you plant hardneck garlic. To be honest, one of the reasons why we plant so much garlic, is to take advantage of all of the scapes. If you are not familiar... read more